Free Frequencies

Frequencies can complement the neutral 90.10. quantum energy. By combining these two superpowers you can experience even more positive effects. Because some people want "products to touch", we even offer frequency cards ( However, buying a frequency stored in matter only makes sense to a certain degree, for example, if you want to do research and find out whether the "bought" frequency has the same effect as the "downloaded" one.

At Quantum Download Network you can add the frequencies of your choice free of charge to any "Quantum Download Service".

In principle, it is our belief that frequencies supporting you and your loved ones in various life situations should be freely available. That's what they basically are anyway. It's just that not everyone finds their access or can compose / program them. Having this in mind, it goes without saying that you do not want to take financial advantage of the frequencies offered here. It would create karma that serves no one today.

Our frequencies in alphabetical order

AGN9010I "Agnihotra" (designed in 2016)

The quantum frequency Agnihotra is informed with the vibration frequency of high quality Agnihotra ash. The ash was produced exactly according to the specifications: In a ceremony that goes back to the knowledge of the Vedas (oldest known knowledge of mankind). Agnihotra is a fire technique that, among other things, respects the biorhythm of sunrise and sunset and generates very intense subtle energies when performed.

In 2003, the Vedic Hymns were included by UNESCO in the collection of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity and in 2008 they were inscribed in the List of Cultural Heritage of Humanity. In addition to mathematics and astronomy, the Vedic treasure of knowledge includes biology, medicine, and physics. Its theories are based, among other things, on the realization that everything is based on vibrations and their frequencies and is interconnected.

AKN9010E "Acne" (designed by 90.10. in 2012)

This quantum frequency is informed with the vibrational frequency of natural remedies used for the treatment of acne. These include tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, green tea, and aloe vera. Thus, the frequency can cause a reduction in the production of sebum and an improvement in the appearance of the skin.

ALE714R "Allergy Spring" (designed by 90.10. in 2012)

This quantum frequency is informed with the vibrational frequencies of medicines and natural remedies used to relieve pollen allergy occurring in spring. At this time, usually the pollen of the following plants cause problems: hazel, alder, ash, birch, warty birch and elm. Common symptoms of pollen allergy can be alleviated, e.g. sneezing, watery eyes, conjunctivitis, nasal congestion, hypersensitivity to non-specific stimuli, daytime fatigue, and problems sleeping.

ALE368R "Allergy Summer" (designed by 90.10. in 2012)

This quantum frequency is informed with the vibrational frequencies of medicines and natural remedies used to relieve pollen allergy occurring in summer. At this time, usually the pollen of the following plants cause problems: beech, hornbeam, oak, lime, sycamore, pine, poplar, meadow foxtail, timothy, bluegrass, meadow fescue, ray grass, honey grass, knotgrass, creeping bentgrass, ragweed, hay mite, cladosporium, alternaria, sorrel, goosefoot, goldenrod, nettle, ribwort, rye, mugwort, and ragweed. Common symptoms of pollen allergy can be alleviated, e.g. sneezing, watery eyes, conjunctivitis, nasal congestion, hypersensitivity to non-specific stimuli, daytime fatigue, and problems sleeping.

ANI9010M "Animals"  (designed by Joa Santaur in 2020)

This quantum frequency contains the information to reactivate the blueprint (matrix) of the animal body. This means that the original state, which was changed by various life experiences, is restored by reminding all parts of the molecular structure to be in their optimum state. It helps with healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual/essential level – spiritual or essential because, unlike humans, animals don't have a mental level.

The frequency works for all animal species. So, it can help to heal pets as well as farm and wild animals.

Joa Santaur on the new "Animal" frequency


DER9010M "Dermatitis" (designed by 90.10. in 2012)

This quantum frequency is informed with the vibrational frequencies of natural remedies used to relieve dermatitis. These include coconut oil, aloe vera and tea tree oil, as well as probiotics to support the gut. The frequency can therefore be used as an alternative to ointments containing cortisone.

HAN9010F "Hemp" (designed by 90.10. in 2012)

This quantum frequency is informed with the vibrational frequencies of Cannabidiol (CBD) which is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid from female hemp. CBD is known for its antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety effects. Therefore, the frequency can be used to calm down mind and body.

HEA9010L "Blueprint" (designed by Joa Santaur in 2020)

The frequency contains the information to reactivate the blueprint (matrix) of the human body. This means that the original state, which was changed by various life experiences, is restored by reminding all parts of the molecular structure to be in their optimum state. It helps with healing on a physical, emotional, and mental level.

The soul parts are brought together. This is supposed to increase the sensitivity towards one's own body. As the body opens up to the soul again, changes of physical and psychological complaints are conceivable.

Joa Santaur on the new "Blueprint" frequency


HOL9010I "Holiday" (designed by 90.10. in 2012)

This quantum frequency (formerly known as PAN120I) is informed with the vibrational frequency of several natural supplements that help to dissolve states of anxiety and restlessness as well as with stress relief and relaxation.

MIG9010R "Migraine" (designed by 90.10. in 2012)

This quantum frequency is informed with the vibrational frequencies of natural remedies used to relieve migraine. These include feverfew, butterbur, peppermint, willow bark extract, ginger, caffeine, lavender oil, and valerian. The frequency can therefore reduce or totally soothe the symptoms of migraine.

MOR9010P "Morphine" (designed by 90.10. in 2012)

This quantum frequency is informed with the vibrational frequencies of morphine. This is a component of the dried milky sap of the opium poppy. It has been used for more than 200 years to relieve the most severe pain, e.g. after accidents or after surgery. Morphine is classified as a narcotic that can lead to addictions and gastrointestinal problems. The frequency can have the same effect, i.e. quench strong pain, but no side effects will occur.

NIC9010T "Non-smoker" (designed by 90.10. in 2012)

This quantum frequency is informed with the vibrational frequencies of ingredients of preparations used in nicotine replacement. Common are nicotine patches, nicotine gums and nicotine spray. Therefore, the frequency can help with quitting smoking.

PAI9010N "Pain" (designed by 90.10. in 2012)

This quantum frequency is informed with the vibrational frequencies of natural remedies used for the treatment of pain. These include three essential oils (lavender, rosemary, and eucalyptus) as well as ginger, clove, turmeric. The anti-inflammatory and soothing effects of those remedies cause pains like back pains, tooth ache and cramps to disappear. The frequency can have the same effect.

Please note: Pain is a warning signal from the body. The body uses pain to indicate that something is wrong. The cause of a pain should be clarified and treated by a doctor or alternative practitioner. The frequency should only be used as a temporary solution until a doctor's appointment.

PRO9010S "Prosperity" (designed by Joa Santaur in 2021)

The frequency was won from a channeling with the angelic world. Thus, it is an angelic frequency that aligns the conscious and subconscious mind in relation to a life of abundance. The frequency can serve individuals, projects, but also the purpose of entire companies. However, the prosperity that can be gained with the help of the frequency is not only financial, but also refers to social, health and emotional aspects.

One option is to burn certain objects such as coins and banknotes, credit cards and debit cards with frequency. The effect also works with photos of people or companies. In addition, the frequency can be carried directly on the body as a card or on a frequency foil in the power capsule and be integrated into one's own energy field that way.

SLE9010E "Healthy Sleep" (designed by 90.10. in 2011)

This quantum frequency is charged with vibrational frequencies of medicinal herbs and medicinal plants with which sleep disorders can be treated, for examples problems falling and staying asleep. It can also be a help against nerve-racking dreams. These herbs and plants include valerian, balm, lavender, catnip, and verbena.

Very important: This frequency can have the same effect as a strong sleeping pill. Therefore, it should only be used for objects, which can be put aside, when the frequency is not needed, e.g. a pillowcase, comforter cover, and bed sheet.

We do not check the target coordinates you send, and we cannot monitor your use of the frequency. So, we ask you to be very careful with this frequency and not have it burnt in objects where its effect is contra productive, such as smartphones or glasses. Some people like to work in bed. If you're one of them and also use your bed as a cozy office, this frequency should not even be used in the products recommended above. Then, it's better to use objects that you put under the pillow when you want to sleep, e.g. a 90.10.-CARD that you can get in our 3D store.

TES9010L "Nikola Tesla" (designed by 90.10. in 2016)

This frequency contains the know-how of the brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla. He was convinced that on Earth there is an energy coming from space, which is available to every human being. He believed that everything in the universe is vibrating and is generating a harmonic because of this vibration. This frequency can protect against the biological interference effects of electromagnetic pollution.

MAN9010P "TINK for Men" (designed by KElmer in 2020)

The quantum frequency was produced exclusively for 90.10. under a 90.10. license. As a combination, it contains the frequencies of various dietary supplements, or vitamin and mineral supplements, and focuses entirely on the male needs. It was designed for men age 40 and older. The following areas are covered: Anti-aging, brain performance, immune system, stress relief, and "Kane". Kane is the Hawaiian word for "man". This area covers a field troubling many men: their testosterone, more precisely their drive, power, and male charisma.

KElmer on the new "TINK for Men" frequency (subtitles available)

WOM9010P "TINK for Women" (designed by KElmer in 2020)

The quantum frequency was produced exclusively for 90.10. under a 90.10. license. As a combination, it contains the frequencies of various dietary supplements, or vitamin and mineral supplements, and focuses entirely on the female needs. It was designed for women age 40 and older. The following areas are covered: Anti-aging, brain performance, immune system, stress relief, and "Wahine". Wahine is the Hawaiian word for "woman". This area unites typical female topics, for instance, volume and strength of the hair, healthy nails, skincare, and the hormonal balance.

KElmer on the new "TINK for Women" frequency (subtitles available)

VIO9010L "Violet Light" (designed by Joa Santaur in 2021)

The frequency was won from a channeling with the beings from the double star system Sirius. It is intended to neutralize the interference effect of EMF, especially that of radio masts. In this process, the negative information of the emitted radiation is transmuted into high-frequency light.

The frequency can also be used at home, for example with computers, mobile devices, the Wi-Fi router, or similar devices that generate a lot of radiation. The frequency is very light, without influencing the emotional level.

VIT9010A "Vitamins and Minerals" (designed in 2014)

This quantum frequency is informed with the vibrational frequency of 84 vitamins, minerals, and other elements that the human body needs for optimal functioning. These are in detail:

  • natural vitamins (vitamin A, most B vitamins, including vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K)
  • all essential minerals, extracted from the ocean
  • nutrients like white powder gold, coenzyme Q1, and coenzyme Q10 and lecithin
  • further additions: beta-carotene, turmeric, garlic, aloe vera, noni, grape seed extract, 14 different seaweeds and many more

VOR9010T "Vortex" (designed by Joa Santaur in 2021)

The frequency connects with all the natural energy vortexes of light emitted by the Earth that are active in spiritual sacred places. Some of these energy vortices are located under oceans, others in mountains such as Mount Shasta. Also connected are the energy vortexes generated by ancient civilizations at the pyramids of Mexico and Egypt, for example, as well as the stone circles and various temples.

Using the frequency, you have access to all the mentioned energy vortexes. It is intended for the energetic cleansing of residential houses, apartments, and business spaces. But a garden, river, city park and lake can also benefit from it. For this purpose, stones or crystals are burned with the frequency and put in places that need harmonization and cleansing. Thus, the world gets the necessary support from its own higher consciousness.

WAT9010E "Spring Waters" (designed by Joa Santaur in 2020)

The frequency combines frequencies from a channel connection with the cosmic element of water. These are important because the water on Earth comes from other parts of our galaxy or from comets and stars. Meanwhile it is polluted or poisoned. Not only with chemicals, but also with generally common thus collective ways of thinking.

Therefore, the frequency of the connection with the original sources provides a kind of "reset" to restore the water's original vibration. It creates a hexagonal structure in the liquids poured into the glass (hexagonal water forms hexagonal crystals when frozen). This allows our body's water and also the water we consume to be optimized in its structure and in terms of cell availability.

Joa Santaur on the new "Spring Water" frequency


New frequencies supporting energy work

CLE9010A "Clearence" (designed by Joa Santaur in 2020)

The frequency is ideal when working with different frequencies at the same time or in a group healing, so when energy is sent to more than one person at a time. If frequencies are combined and sent to an object or a person, this frequency clears and ensures that the frequencies used don't mix or mutate. If energy is sent to a group of people the frequency also clears and ensures, that the energy doesn't mix between the individuals.

Joa Santaur on the new "Clearence" frequency


COS9010M "Cosmic" (designed by Joa Santaur in 2021)

The frequency is a healing frequency coming from the cosmos, which acts on the light body and the energy body. It was channeled at the high-energy place Amatlan in Mexico from the cosmic beings and various star systems through an energy vortex.

The frequency clears and expands the energy field, and thus gently strengthens the intuitive and psychic abilities. It can be used by anyone, but it is especially suitable for healers and people who practice energy and light work. In addition, it is aligned with so-called "starseed", that is, people who have spent previous lives on other planets and have come to Earth to help with the energy shift and perhaps feel a little homesick or like they do not belong here.

Joa Santaur on the new "Cosmic" frequency

GRO9010U "Grounding" (designed by Joa Santaur in 2020)

The frequency is a combination of the frequencies of four natural medicines: White sage, copal (tree resin of different botanical origin), Palo Santo (the Inka's sacred wood), and pure medicinal tobacco. The four of them are combined with channeled coding to connect with the higher vibrational aspect of the Earth. The frequency helps during work with strong quantum energy and is meant to clear the energy field and ground the energy.

Joa Santaur on the new "Grounding" frequency


DIM9010E "12 Dimensions" (designed by Joa Santaur in 2020)

The frequency is based on a method of clearing and harmonizing energy in twelve parallel dimensions / universes. The method developed by the US American channeler Maureen Higgins. The frequency establishes a connection to higher frequencies and helps to harmonize the consciousness at these different levels of reality. The frequency helps with various negative influences or blockings during opening up to the multidimensional energetic world.

Joa Santaur on the new frequency "12 Dimensions"